老習訪美國 中國國家主席習近平,今天飛抵加州,預定台北時間明天早上七點,首度以中國領導人身分,和美國總統歐巴馬會談。 由於這是一場非正式會晤,一般預料會談重點將落在找出中美未來雙方互動模式、建立互信基礎。至於台灣問題,習近平應該也會提及,歐巴馬可能會以重申台灣關係法做回應。 Obama-Xi Meeting (2013/06/07) Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in California and is scheduled to meet US President Barack Obama tomorrow morning at 7 o’clock, Taiwan time. It will be the first meeting between the two since Xi became president. Since this is an informal meeting, many expect discussions to focus on how to shape future relations. If Xi raises the Taiwan issue, Obama may reaffirm US commitment to the Taiwan Relations Act.
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