酒駕加重罰 馬英九總統,昨天公布刑法修正條文,駕駛人呼氣,酒精濃度達每公升0.15毫克就會開罰,達0.25毫克涉及公共危險罪移送法辦,台灣酒駕新制取締標準和日本並列,成為全球最嚴格,換算飲酒量,平均喝3-4瓶鋁罐裝啤酒,就可能超過0.25。 炎炎夏日,大口喝下啤酒好清涼,但駕駛人得當心,只要喝兩瓶罐裝啤酒,酒測值立刻破表。 13日凌晨零時起,酒駕取締標準變得更嚴格。 [[台北市交大副大隊長 林基田]] “原先的公共危險罪,從酒測值0.55修正,下降為0.25,就是要移送法辦,那原先的行政罰,從0.25降低為0.15就直接開罰” 根據現行裁罰標準,一般駕駛,酒測每公升0.25毫克以上才開罰,13日起,只要呼氣酒精濃度達0.15毫克就會被取締,罰金從1萬5千元,到最重9萬元,至於危險駕駛部分,原酒測0.55毫克才會移送法辦,新制降為0.25毫克,最重面臨兩年以下徒刑。 [[台北市交大副大隊長 林基田]] “因為酒駕對國人所造成嚴重影響,所以這次的修法趨向特別嚴格” 警政署12日起,全國同步擴大取締酒駕,並且持續每月兩次大執法。 New rules could mean fines for drivers who drink as little as two cans of beer (2013/06/12) Taiwan is enacting what the government calls the world’s toughest standards for alcohol levels while driving. The strict new regulations, which take effect Thursday, will lead to fines for drivers who are caught with a breath alcohol content of as little as 0.25 milligrams per liter, or a blood alcohol content of 0.05 percent. Many people enjoy drinking cool beer on hot summer days. But beware. Just two cans could put drinkers close to the legal limit for driving. From Thursday stricter drink driving standards will go into effect. Lin Ji-tian Taipei Traffic Division The revised Offenses Against Public Safety means drivers will be subject to prosecution if their breath alcohol content is 0.25 milligrams per liter. This is lower than the original 0.55 milligrams per liter. Administrative penalties will begin even lower, at 0.15 milligrams per liter instead of the original 0.25 milligrams per liter. Currently fines begin at 0.25 milligrams per liter. From Thursday this threshold falls to 0.15, with fines ranging from NT$15,000 to NT$90,000. Also drivers will find themselves in violation of the Offenses Against Public Safety if their breath alcohol content is 0.25 milligrams per liter, instead of the current 0.55. The punishment is up to two years in prison. Lin Ji-tian Taipei Traffic Division Drink driving has a major impact on us, so we wanted these revisions to be strict. The National Police Agency launched a nationwide crackdown Wednesday, and plans to continue taking to the streets for large-scale enforcements twice a month.
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