局長隱澱粉 向來注重食品安全的主婦聯盟,五月中將35項產品,全部送驗,沒想到卻發現,烏龍麵、湯圓等五項產品,都有廠商提供的合格證明,還是被驗出有順丁烯二酸,主婦聯盟批評,不知道要相信誰,批評政府沒把關。 拿出厚厚一疊的檢驗報告,主婦聯盟理事主席火氣很大,因為合作社賣的澱粉產品,廠商都有合格的檢驗證明,為求謹慎,主婦聯盟把其中35項送驗,卻發現冷凍烏龍麵、紅心粉圓、湯圓,鼓汁排骨、豆花凝固劑,共五項食品含有順丁烯二酸[。 [[主婦聯盟理事主席 黃淑德]] “檢驗報告如果出來,還有檢驗結果相抵觸的時候,請問要相信哪一份” 主婦聯盟也向政府喊話,好好做好食品把關。 [[主婦聯盟理事主席 黃淑德]] “請政府作一個事情,請向上游廠商去查” 食的安全層出不窮,而今天出刊壹週刊報導,早在農曆年前,就檢驗出毒澱粉,卻隱匿了整整三個月。 [[食品藥物管理局長 康照洲]] “一開始調查的時候,測試了74種產品,中間找到5個違規產品,一直到五月初,就掌握了5個產品的所有經銷商,由我跟署長報告後,立即發布新聞,我們絕對沒有故意隱匿案情” 毒澱粉全台延燒,民眾不只食不安心,更對政府的把關能力,畫上大問號。 Food safety certifications called into question (2013/06/05) A local homemakers association commissioned tests on products offered through its co-op and found that many contained tainted starch. This despite the fact that each of the products came with food safety certification from the supplier. Displaying this thick stack of food safety reports, the director of the Homemakers United Foundation is visibly upset. The foundation sent 35 products sold by its co-op in for testing. Each of the products contains starch and had a safety inspection certificate from the supplier, but five foods came back positive for maleic acid, an unapproved additive. They included frozen udon noodles, red tapioca balls, sweet rice dumplings, steamed pork ribs and tofu pudding. Huang Shu-teh Homemakers United Foundation Director If the laboratory inspection report conflicts with other test reports, then which would you trust? The foundation urged the government to pay more attention to food safety. Huang Shu-teh Homemakers United Foundation Director I ask the government to investigate upstream vendors. Even more concerns about food safety may arise. Next Magazine’s latest issue claims the government knew about the tainted starch scandal as early as Lunar New Year, though it chose to cover up the scandal for a full three months. Kang Jaw-jou Food and Drug Administration In the beginning we tested 74 kinds of products and found five that violated standards. By the start of May we determined all distributors of these products and I reported the incident to the minister. We then immediately released the news. We never deliberately tried to conceal any information. The accusations are making it harder for the public to believe that the government can ensure the nation’s food supply is safe.
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