Obama threatens ’family tattoo’ if daughters get their own 歐巴馬威脅 若女兒們刺青 就要使其成為「家族刺青」
Speaking on NBC’s "Today" show in a segment originally filmed before the Boston Marathon bombings, President Barack Obama revealed the strategy he and First Lady Michelle Obama have been using to keep their daughters away from tattoos.
"What we’ve said to the girls is, ’If you guys ever decide you’re going to get a tattoo, then mommy and me will get the exact same tattoo, in the same place, and we’ll go on YouTube and show it off as a family tattoo,’" Obama said.
"Our thinking is that might dissuade them from thinking that somehow that’s a good way to rebel."
During the segment, the president also said he understood his wife’s "slip of the tongue" when she called herself a "single mother" in early April, noting that they were often apart for a week at a time when he was campaigning for the Senate and presidency.
"I tend to cut my wife or anybody some slack when it comes to just slips of the tongue," he said.
keep someone or something away:慣用語,與某人或某事保持距離。例句:I tried to keep my pet bird away from stray cats.(我想辦法不讓野貓接近我的寵物鳥。)
dissuade from:慣用語,勸退、說服(某人)不要…(+Ving)。例句:The doctor tried to dissuade his patient from chewing betel nuts.(醫生企圖說服他的病人不要嚼檳榔。)
cut some slack:慣用語,非正式用法,允許人做某些通常不被允許的事;放人一馬。
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