端午特選 AIT龍舟賽 台北國際龍舟賽,上午在大佳河濱公園 登場,好手雲集,今年共有234支隊伍參賽,其中包括藝人賈永婕帶領的隊伍、「AIT Dragon Boat Team」等,不過都以些微差距,雙雙落敗,但對龍舟比賽充滿熱情,AIT處長馬啟思說,明年還要捲土重來。 鐵馬龍舟賽 在台東池上,有民眾突發奇想,利用連接起來的三輪車,保麗龍做成的龍頭,連點睛儀式也不馬虎,為了讓老人家們也參與划龍舟的樂趣,台東池上首度舉辦安全又有趣的陸上鐵馬龍舟賽,不分男女老少,都能參加。 高鐵送香包 今天是端午節,高鐵公司要送給搭乘旅客,一個貼心的應景禮物,就是車廂造型的香包。100個限量香包,五分鐘就全部發完。不只小朋友愛不釋手,還有外國旅客來台遊玩,看到香包覺得又新奇又有趣! BRIEFS (2013/06/12) Dragon Boat Races The Taipei International Dragon Boat Championship took place this morning at Dajia Riverside Park. A total of 234 teams participated, including a team led by entertainer JiaYong-jie and a team from the American Institute in Taiwan. Both of these high profile teams were defeated, though AIT Director Christopher Marut pledged his team would return next year. Dragon Boat Cycle Race In Taitung’s Chihshang Township people connected tricycles, complete with dragon heads made from Styrofoam and an eye-dotting ceremony. Later, both young and old were invited to participate in this safe and fun dragon boat race held onshore. HSR Novelties To celebrate Dragon Boat Festival the Taiwan High Speed Rail distributed 100 limited edition decorations made in the shape of a high-speed rail train. Within five minutes they were all gone. It wasn’t just children who sought out these traditional items associated with the Dragon Boat Festival, but also a few foreigners traveling in Taiwan who were quite amused by these novelties.
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