立院明臨會 立法院明天將召開臨時會,除了將處理行政院提出的會計法修法覆議案,拿掉8500點天險的證所稅、核四公投都是焦點,部分法案,綠營已經揚言抗爭到底,行政院長江宜樺週五還將到立法院,針對十二年國教進行專案報告,會不會排富?屆時也將宣布。 趕在週五行政院長江宜樺對十二年國教拍板定案前,國民黨團週四將召開黨團大會,先邀教育部長蔣偉寧來報告,國民黨立委陳學聖也完成連署,要求高中職免學費部分要排富。 [[電訪立委 陳學聖]] “台灣財政狀況真的不是很好,不然怎麼會二代健保,要補充保費還要有證所稅,還有年金要調整,代表台灣財政狀況不是那麼好了” 13日起召開的臨時會,要處理的爭議法案,還不只這一項,週四處理會計法修正的覆議、證所稅修正案、核四公投、年金改革,綠營已經揚言擋到底,但可以預期的是,在國民黨團人數優勢下,這些法案要過關,困難度不小。 Lawmakers debate 12-year compulsory education ahead of extraordinary session (2013/06/12) KMT Legislator Apollo Chen urged the government to cancel its plan to give tuition-free schooling to all as part of 12-year compulsory education. Chen says the government is not in a position financially to be so generous. The education plan is one of many contentious issues lawmakers are debating ahead of an extraordinary legislative session to take place Thursday and a report from the premier on Friday. In a meeting Thursday the KMT legislative caucus will hear a report from Education Minister Chiang Wei-ling, one day before Premier Jiang Yi-huah is to report on the government’s version of 12-year compulsory education. KMT Legislator Apollo Chen is expected to deliver a petition calling on wealthy families to be excluded from fully subsidized high school and middle school tuition fees. Voice of Apollo Chen KMT Legislator Taiwan's financial situation is poor. Otherwise, why would there be second generation National Health Insurance reform with added premiums, a capital gains tax on securities, as well as pension adjustments? All of these actions show that Taiwan is suffering through a difficult financial situatio On Thursday the Legislature will hold an extraordinary session. It will examine a number of bills, including reconsideration of the Accounting Act amendment, the capital gains tax, a referendum on the Fourth Nuclear Plant and pension reform. Pan-green legislators have threatened to block all of this legislation, though they’ll have trouble overcoming the KMT’s majority.
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