企業看調薪 景氣悶到不行,上班族引頸期盼就是加薪,如今傳產和電子業總算傳出好消息,台塑總裁王文淵和工會協商後,敲定調薪2.5%加上獎金3000元,裕隆幅度未定,至於其他的電子大廠,宏達電、台積電是按照員工績效表現而定。 台塑總裁王文淵、四寶高層及工會代表,依序進入會議室要協商加薪幅度,最後決議加薪2.5%,外加3000元獎金。 [[台塑資深副總 侯水文]] “雖然我們第一季業績很好,但第二季表現比第一季差很多,但最後總裁還是展現,最大照顧勞工誠意” 至於裕隆、和泰兩大車廠,雖然表示國內車市不好,但業外轉投資獲利佳,認真工作的員工,要給點鼓勵。 [[裕隆總經理 陳國榮]] “會有這方面考量,至於調薪的百分比,目前還在內部作業中” 景氣雖悶,但其他企業及電子廠,包括王品、鼎泰豐、台灣大哥大、台積電、宏達電等都喊出要加薪。 Several of Taiwan’s biggest firms plan to give raises (2013/06/12) Many companies remain tight-fisted when it comes to the subject of employee raises. But several of Taiwan’s largest enterprises have announced that they plan to give a little extra back to their workers this year. Formosa Plastics Group Chairman William Wong, top executives of the group’s four major units and labor union representatives worked together on a deal. They agreed to a 2.5 percent raise and a NT$3,000 bonus. Ho Shui-wen Formosa Plastics Group Our first quarter performance was good, but the second quarter was much worse. The chairman still felt, however, that it was important to care for our workers. Automobile groups Yulon and Hotai say the domestic car market is poor, but they have seen success in their reinvestment business. They too hope to give back to their workers. Chen Kuo-rong Yulon Motor President We are considering this. Internally we are discussing what percentage raise we should offer. Other companies that say raises are in store include Wowprime, DinTaiFeng, Taiwan Mobile, TSMC and HTC.
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