腸病毒警報 天氣愈來愈熱,腸病毒疫情也逐漸升溫,疾管局表示,光是上個禮拜,全國腸病毒急診加上門診人數超過三萬人,這次流行的克沙奇A6型腸病毒,水泡比起其他型腸病毒大上6到10倍,而且一顆水泡裡面就有上萬株病毒,小朋友抓破後很有可能繼續傳染給別人。 腸病毒進入高峰期,疾病管制局統計,上周每天平均有三百一十人因感染腸病毒送醫急診,急診就醫率攀上近七年同期最高,不但小孩容易被感染,大人也要提高警覺。 [[台大醫院小兒科副教授 李秉穎]] “大人並不是說不會得到,腸病毒感染成人的機會,可能是千分之一萬分之一,但是並不是零” 這次流行的腸病毒是克沙奇A6型,傳染途徑是糞口,飛沫和接觸。特別提醒的是,克沙奇A6型腸病毒所引起的水泡,會比其他型的腸病毒水泡大上6到10倍,抓破後很容易繼續傳染給別人。 [[台大醫院小兒科副教授 李秉穎]] “就是跟病人比較近距離接觸的時候,有可能會發生飛沫傳染,另外就是如果病人的分泌物沾染到玩具沾染到家具,那你手去摸到的時候,也會發生間接的接觸傳染” 醫師表示,多洗手及環境的清潔,非常重要。 Doctors say enterovirus now in peak season (2013/06/05) Increasing temperatures have led to an increase in enterovirus cases. Health officials warn that an unusually high number of people are seeking treatment for the disease this year. Proof that enterovirus is entering its peak transmission period can be found in emergency rooms. The Centers for Disease Control says that last week there was an average of more than 300 visits daily to the ER for treatment, a seven-year high for this time of year. Many people believe the disease is limited to children, but doctors say that is not the case. Lee Ping-ing National Taiwan University Hospital It’s wrong to say adults are not immune to this disease. The chance of infection is likely one in a thousand or one in 10,000. The year’s most common enterovirus is coxsackievirus A6, with the mode of transmission being a fecal-oral route, droplets or direct contact. A special characteristic is the coxsackievirus A6 causes blisters that are 6-10 times larger than typical enterovirus blisters. If the blisters break the virus can easily be spread. Lee Ping-ing National Taiwan University Hospital Close contact with a sick individual could lead to infection by droplets. Another form of transmission is if a patient's secretions contaminate toys or furniture, which can lead to transmission by indirect touching. Doctors say the best way to avoid the virus is through frequent hand washing and maintaining a sanitary environment.
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