民視採訪圖 近年來,兩韓危機升高,民視一再展現國際新聞的權威,由經理胡婉玲率團隊,於天安艦事件後,全球第一家挺進北朝鮮。 採訪範圍除了大平壤地區之外,兩韓交界的38度線鄰近的開城、板門店軍事,絕境之美的金剛山,以及中朝邊境白頭山天池密營等。北朝鮮進入金正恩世代之後,民視更在六個月前,第二度挺進,成功的採訪到人民生活、農業。民視新聞在北朝鮮達成的採訪版圖,已是全球最完整、最權威的媒體。 FTV Covers North Korea (2013/06/07) Three years ago after the sinking of the South Korean Cheonan vessel, FTV’s Anne Hu was the first foreign reporter to enter North Korea. Besides visiting the Pyongyang metropolitan area, FTV went to Kaesong and Panmunjom, near the 38th parallel that roughly divides the North and South. It also traveled to beautiful natural areas such as Mt. Kumgang and Heaven Lake on Baekdu Mountain. Half a year ago after the start of the Kim Jong-un era, FTV entered North Korea a second time. On this visit, it interviewed city residents and farmers. The numerous places that FTV has visited makes it a world leader in covering this secretive, isolated nation.
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