Mary! Your message in a bottle has arrived...28 years later 瑪莉!你的瓶中信…遲了28年後,來了 ◎張沛元 A Canadian man’s message in a bottle honoring his promise to write to a woman named Mary has finally washed ashore 28 years later in Croatia. 一名實踐諾言寫信給一個名叫瑪莉的女子的加拿大男子所寫的瓶中信,28年後終於被沖上克羅埃西亞海岸。 Surfers cleaning the debris from a beach at the mouth of the Neretva river in the southern Adriatic came across a half-broken bottle with a paper inside, Croatian newspaper Dubrovack Vjesnik said on its website. 克羅埃西亞報紙Dubrovack Vjesnik網站報導,在亞得里亞海南部內雷特瓦河口的沙灘上清理垃圾的衝浪客,無意中發現一個半破裂、裡面塞了一張紙的瓶子。 A 23-year-old local surfer, who gave her name as Matea, nearly threw it away when she spotted a wet paper inside, which contained a message from Jonathon in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, which lies on Canada’s eastern coast. 一名23歲、名叫瑪禔的當地女衝浪客說,她差點就要把瓶子丟掉時,注意到瓶中有一張濕掉的紙,上面寫有來自加拿大東岸新斯科舍省的強納森的訊息。 "Mary, you really are a great person. I hope we can keep in correspondence. I said I would write. Your friend always, Jonathon, Nova Scotia, 1985," said the message. 「瑪莉,你真的是一個很棒的人。我希望能與你保持通信。我說過我會寫信(給你)。你永遠的朋友,強納森,新斯科舍省,1985年,」該訊息如是說。 新聞辭典 honor one’s promise/words:慣用語,實踐承諾。honor,動詞,實踐、落實。例句:He never honored his promise.(他這人向來說話不算話。) come across:慣用語,偶然碰見或發現。例句:I came across my old college roommate in town today.(我今天在鎮上巧遇我大學時代的室友。) spot:動詞,認出、發現。
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