0611 特選 促都更檢屋 台北市有約65,000棟的房子,屋齡達30年以上,佔了全部住宅的70%左右。考量公共安全,台北市政府宣布明年1月起試辦「老屋健檢」,全額補助200棟屋齡超過30年、三層樓以上住宅的老房子,做外牆和公共區域的檢查。 OBU退費卡 國道電子計程收費將在9月1日正式上路,全面使用e-Tag感應扣款,以前申裝的OBU車上機也將無法使用。但現在遠通電收還宣布,如果車主沒有續裝e-Tag,之前購買OBU的錢將不直接退還,估計至少20%的OBU車主將受影響。 建民67號 王建民加盟藍鳥隊,雖然今天還沒正式登錄25人名單,但是已經確定未來將告別在洋基隊的40號,改穿67號球衣。 0611 BRIEFS (2013/06/11) Home Inspections About 65,000 homes in Taipei, or 70 percent of the total, are at least 30 years old. To guarantee the safety of these buildings, the city plans to launch a pilot inspection program for old homes in January. It will provide fully subsidized inspections of exterior walls and public areas of 200 homes that are at least 30 years old and on the third floor or higher. Limited Refunds After freeways move to an all-electronic toll system in September, vehicles will need to have an e-Tag system installed. On-board units will not be accepted. Drivers have the opportunity to receive a refund for their on-board unit when installing e-Tag, but Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection says it will not provide direct refunds to those who do not install e-Tag. About one-in-five on-board unit users are expected to take the loss. Wang to Wear 67 Wang Chien-ming has not yet been added to the Blue Jays 25-man roster, but he does know what number he will wear – 67, instead of the 40 that Wang wore with the Yankees.
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