No more Everest, says oldest to climb highest peak 不再攻聖母峰了,登上峰頂的最年長者說 ◎魏國金 The oldest person to climb Mount Everest said Sunday that he won’t make any further attempts to scale the world’s highest peak _ even though his new record may soon be in jeopardy. 攀登聖母峰最年長者週日說,他不會做任何進一步攀登世界最高峰頂的嘗試—即使他的新紀錄或許很快就岌岌可危。 "I think three times is enough,"Yuichiro Miura, who reached the top of Everest at the age of 80 last week, told reporters. "At this point I could not think of anything but rest." 「我認為,攻頂3次夠了,」上週以80歲高齡登上聖母峰頂的三浦雄一郎告訴記者。「此時我只想休息。 Meanwhile, Miura’s 81-year-old rival, Nepalese climber Min Bahadur Sherchan, was at Everest’s base camp preparing to attempt to regain his title as the oldest to conquer the mountain. Sherchan held the record for five years until Miura snatched the title. 與此同時,三浦81歲的對手、尼泊爾登山家舍川在聖母峰基地營,準備嘗試收復他征服世界第一峰最年長者的頭銜。舍川維持該紀錄5年,直到三浦奪走這項榮銜。 "I wish him best of luck, " Miura said in Japanese, with his son Gota, 43, who reached the top of Everest with his father last week, serving as his interpreter. 「我希望他鴻運當頭,」三浦以日文說,他43歲的兒子豪太擔任他的翻譯員;豪太上週與父親登上聖母峰頂。 Miura, however, insisted that Sherchan back up any claim of scaling Everest’s peak with clear photographs of the climber showing his face at the summit. 不過,三浦堅持舍川必須以他在峰頂時,臉部清晰的照片證實他登頂成功的宣稱。 Miura had climbed Everest in May 2008 at age 75, but Sherchan did the same a day earlier at 76. 2008年5月,三浦以75歲高齡攀登聖母峰,但舍川提早一天,以76歲之齡完成這項壯舉。 Miura underwent heart surgery in January for an irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia, his fourth heart operation since 2007. He also broke his pelvis and left thigh bone in a 2009 skiing accident.(AP) 三浦1月間因心律不整動心臟手術,這是他自2007年以來第4次心臟手術。他也因2009年的一場滑雪意外摔斷骨盆與左大腿骨。(美聯社) 新聞辭典 (in)jeopardy︰名詞,危險、危難。例句︰His daughter’s life is in jeopardy.(他女兒的性命垂危。) at this point︰慣用語,此時。例句︰The patient is doing nicely at this point.(病患此時的狀況不錯。) undergo︰動詞,經歷、遭遇。例句︰His opinions on death penalty underwent a change.(他對死刑的看法有所轉變。)


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