養雞大遊行 為了防範H7N9疫情,農委會從五月十七號開始實施「禁宰活禽」政策,但配套措施不足,電宰場分布不均,這些日子以來,雞農、攤販苦哈哈,不但成本增加,拿到的雞肉也不新鮮,一個禮拜虧損將近1億元,為了表達心中的怒吼,全台雞農、攤販要在6月13號站出來,到農委會前遊行抗議! 雞農、雞肉攤販群聚一堂,就是要抗議,政府提早在5月17日上路的「禁宰活禽」政策,沒有完善的配套措施,尤其是電宰場分布不均的問嚴重。 [[嘉義土雞攤販 侯碧玲]] “送到我手上的雞肉,頭都黑了,敢拿出來賣給客人嗎? “ [[土雞攤販 方秀滿]] “電宰場送出去的雞,到我們的攤商,到消費者手上都是超過12個小時,基本上都是隔夜雞” 痛批政府圖利電宰財團,就算要防疫,也應該在各縣市或鄉鎮,設立"公有屠宰場"。 [[養雞協會土雞營運行銷組長 黃全成]] “我們真的沒辦法生存了,我們政府單位已經都靠攏財團了,那我們這些中小型的小農怎麼辦呢” 養雞協會拿出數據表示,以往每個禮拜可以賣150萬隻雞,現在只剩90萬,因此雞農、攤販大串連,6月13日要號召上萬人上街遊行,表達心中的怒吼。 Chicken farmers, vendors to demonstrate against new slaughter restrictions (2013/06/07) To prevent the spread of bird flu the government introduced new regulations last month limiting the slaughter of poultry to large slaughterhouses. In the time since vendors say they have trouble acquiring fresh product and sales are down. They plan to join farmers in a demonstration outside the Council of Agriculture on Thursday to urge the government to either improve its policy or lift the slaughter restrictions. Poultry farmers and vendors have united in protest. They are upset over a government policy introduced in the middle of last month that bans the slaughter of chickens and other poultry at traditional markets or using non-stunning equipment. They say the government did not introduce complementary plans to make the policy work, with the biggest problem being insufficient distribution of approved slaughterhouses. Hou Bi-ling Free Range Chicken Vendor The heads of the chickens they delivered to me had already turned black. I can’t sell that to consumers. Fang Hsiu-man Free Range Chicken Vendor It takes more than a dozen hours for the chicken to leave the slaughterhouse, arrive at our shop then be sold to customers. By then it’s day-old chicken. Some farmers and vendors accuse the government of favoring the owners of modern slaughterhouses. They say as part of its plan to prevent the spread of bird flu, the government should open modern public slaughterhouses in each locality. Huang Chuan-cheng Poultry Association Our livelihood is being threatened because our government favors large financial interests. There is nothing us small and mid-sized farmers can do. The Poultry Association says that in the past its members could sell 1.5 million chickens a week. Now they can only sell 900,000. To show their anger chicken farmers, vendors and supporters will gather on Thursday for a protest in the streets of Taipei.


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