雙北Ubike 為了節能減炭,新北市政府從五年前開始,提供自行車給民眾使用,並斥資千萬,打造租借系統,但是,又和台北市的Ubike不相容,有新北市民認為,自己好像二等公民。市長朱立倫強調,一定會和台北市政府協調及禁改進。 市議員張瑞山,忍不住要為新北市民說句公道話,因為新北市府提供的自行車,跟台北市的Ubike相比,差太多。 [[新北市民]] “新北市要加油啦,不然好像二等國民” 環保局著手規劃Newbike,雖然只有200輛車,和台北市Ubike的2,000多輛車,有落差,但都可用悠遊卡消費、甲地借車乙地還。 但問題在新北市的系統和台北市不相容,原本設定的雙北生活圈,以鐵馬族來講,不適用。 [[新北市長 朱立倫]] “五年前的規劃,所以跟台北市不相容,但是,我們已經政策指示,包括我們新店、汐止地區,都是要跟台北市能夠相容,那原來舊的系統,未來也要調整相容” 朱立倫也強調,新的車體正在設計中,未來會讓鐵馬族,騎車騎的自在又輕鬆。 New Taipei residents upset over ‘inferior’ shared bicycle system (2013/06/12) New Taipei residents don’t like to think of themselves as second-class citizens. So when they compare their public bicycle sharing system with that of neighboring Taipei, it’s difficult not to get a bit upset. On Thursday New Taipei Mayor Eric Chu promised that improvements are on the way. New Taipei City Councilor Chang Ruei-shan believes the city should provide better bicycles. Chang says the bikes offered by New Taipei along with the rental system are far behind that of Taipei’s Ubike system. New Taipei Resident New Taipei must try to catch up. Otherwise, we’ll be second-class citizens. New Taipei’s Environmental Protection Department launched the Newbike system. But it is limited to only 200 bikes, far fewer than the more than 2,000 bicycles in Taipei’s Ubike program. Both systems let users pay using an EasyCard, and bicycles can be returned at stations other than where they were rented. But they are not compatible. This despite constant talk from the mayors of the two cities that they want to build one living circle. Eric Chu New Taipei Mayor We began planning our system five years ago so it’s incompatible with Taipei. But we have issued a policy directive that in Xindian and Xizhi, the system should be compatible with that of Taipei. Chu says new bicycles are being designed that will impress riders and allow for greater ease of use.
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