兩段式開門 過去常發生,汽車駕駛直接開門,害後方機車發生車禍的案例,為了改善這個不良習慣,從七月開始,考汽車駕照,必須「兩段式開門」,先把門打開一點點,確定後方沒車,才可以下車,否則要扣八分。 停車開門也有訣竅,教練講的可得注意聽,因為從七月開始,駕照路考得「兩段式開門」,否則要扣八分。 [[駕訓班教練 林國禎]] “開個10公分左右,就是預防如果有車子來的時候,這個動作會先讓後面來車有警戒,然後再確定一下,我們鏡子會有死角嘛,轉頭沒有死角,比較廣,確定沒有車,我們再全部打開來,這叫兩段式開車門” 駕照班學員表示,這樣的確會比較安全。 [[駕訓班學員]] “有這個習慣在,比較可以減少危險性” 考照項目增加兩段式開門,原因是車禍太頻繁,以往有不少駕駛路邊停車,看都不看就打開車門,造成後方機車來不及閃;此外,考照新制,還包括轉彎不打方向燈,從原本的扣兩分,加重為扣十六分,只要兩次沒打燈,就直接掰掰。 New driving test to require two-step technique for opening car doors (2013/06/11) When a new driving test begins next month test takers will have to crack the car door open slightly before opening it the rest of the way. The two-step technique serves as a warning to approaching scooter drivers. Driving instructors are teaching a new method for opening car doors because starting from July, driving tests will require a two-step technique. Those who do not follow this rule will be docked eight points. Lin Kuo-jhen Driving Instructor First open it about 10 centimeters. If there’s a vehicle coming from behind, this will serve as a warning. Then confirm there are no vehicles by turning your head to look. This provides a wider view than the mirrors because there aren’t any blind spots. Once you’re sure there aren’t any cars, open the door fully. This is the two-step technique for opening a car door. A student we spoke with says the new technique is much safer. Driver’s Education Student If you develop this habit you can lower risk of an accident. The technique was added to the exam because of the high number of accidents where a scooter driver hits an abruptly opened door. Also when the new exam begins 16 points will be docked for turning without signaling, instead of the previous two points. Two turns without signaling will result in failure.


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