奢侈打房仲 奢侈稅上路滿兩週年,傳出財政部主張"只修不廢"。 不過,不動產仲介全聯會理事長李同榮警告,倘若奢侈稅再延長,恐掀起一波房仲失業潮。因為過去短短一年,全台有五百家房仲關店,上萬名房仲被迫減薪、失業。 Luxury Tax May Stay (2013/06/05) After two years of the luxury tax, the Ministry of Finance is considering revisions rather than scrapping the tax entirely. But the chairman of the Chinese Association of Real Estate Brokers, Lee Tong-rong, warns that if the tax continues, it would set off another wave of unemployment. Lee says in the past year, 500 realtors have closed shop and 10,000 agents have seen their salaries cut or lost their jobs.
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