清標不能選 會計法修正讓前立委顏清標解套,最晚六月十三日凌晨就能出獄,但出獄後的顏清標能不能再選舉,內政部今天邀集相關部會開會,認定顏清標是免除刑罰,不是免罪,依據公職人員選罷法規定,只要曾因為貪污罪判刑確定者,就不能登記參選公職。 立法院休會前送出會計法修正案,幫喝花酒報公帳的顏清標解套,依照時程,法案送出立法院後十天內,行政院依照目前想法沒提覆議,就得公告,最晚六月十三日,顏清標就能出獄。 只是出獄後的顏清標,還能不能為自己喊凍蒜?內政部快速邀集相關部會開會,認定顏清標雖然免去刑罰,但並沒有除罪。 [[內政部政務次長 蕭家淇]] “因其確定判決所宣告之(貪污)罪刑,仍然有效存在,尚不得登記為公職候選人” 雖然修正法案當時也經過綠營同意,不過民進黨主席認為應該加入民代不得公款私用的條文。 [[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]] “民進黨今天決議,要求我們黨團在臨時會的時候,進行修法的提案” 只是等到13日臨時會召開,顏清標已經出獄,即使完成修法,恐怕也已經緩不 濟急。 MOI says convicted KMT legislator not eligible to run for office (2013/06/05) A powerful pan blue figure serving time for corruption will soon be free due to a legislative amendment. But Yen Ching-piao may have trouble running for office again. The Ministry of the Interior said on Wednesday that the amendment expunges Yen’s sentence but not his criminal record. Because he was convicted of graft in a final ruling, he is not allowed to run for office. On the final day before recess last week, lawmakers pushed through an amendment to the Accounting Act. One of their main goals was to set free a former KMT lawmaker, Yen Ching-piao, who is serving time after using public funds to frequent hostess bars. Unless the Cabinet asks for a review, which it does not plan on doing, this amendment takes effect within 10 working days. That would mean Yen would walk no later than next Thursday. So will this convicted criminal be able to run for public office again? The Ministry of the Interior held a meeting to discuss the issue. It says the amendment frees Yen of the need to serve time in prison but does not exonerate him of guilt. Hsiao Chia-chi Deputy Minister of the Interior The final verdict was given, so his conviction stands. He cannot run for public office. The amendment passed with the blessing of the DPP caucus. But now the DPP party chairman says it’s wrong for elected officials to use public money for personal pleasure. Su Tseng-chang DPP Chairman The DPP reached a resolution today. We will ask our caucus to propose an amendment during an extraordinary meeting. The extraordinary meeting won’t happen until next Thursday. Before any new amendment could take effect, Yen will be a free man.


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