Fake pope held in Rome for looking like John Paul II 像若望保祿二世的假教宗在羅馬被捕
A Slovak street performer dressed in white papal vestments has been detained and fined by the police in Rome for bearing too close a resemblance to the late John Paul II, the police said on Friday.
"The problem was that he looked a lot like Karol Wojtyla. He was detained for usurpation of title which is a misdemeanour," a police spokeswoman told AFP. "The cassock he was wearing has been confiscated," she added.
The man has been released and will have to pay between 154 and 929 euros ($200 and $1,200), depending on a decision by a judge, the spokeswoman said.
Another officer at the station where the 55-year-old man was taken quipped: "If he had been dressed like Tutankhamun nothing would have happened." (AFP)
fake:形容詞,假的;名詞指「贗品」。例句:Experts revealed that the painting was a fake.(專家披露這幅畫是贗品。)
resemblance:名詞,相像。例句:There was a clear family resemblance between all the brothers.(這些兄弟都很像,明顯是一家人。)
confiscate:動詞,沒收。例句:Miss Edwards has confiscated my phone!(艾德華小姐沒收我的電話!)
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