藍綠搶北市 距離2014台北市長選戰,還有一年半,不過最近卻因為台大醫師柯文哲對參選台北市長的發言,而炒得火熱。藍營方面,連勝文依舊呼聲最高,民進黨內也有人選浮上檯面,立委許添財首度表態有參選意願。 [[台大醫院創傷醫學部主任 柯文哲]] “我沒有說我不選,但是我也沒有說我要選,我如果去選的話,也是台灣歷史上的奇蹟耶,一個人耶,沒有政黨沒有財團,我要是選得贏,台灣歷史就改觀了” 柯文哲一席話,讓明年的台北市長選舉話題提前熱了起來,被外界點名的對手,呼聲最高的就屬國民黨榮譽主席連戰之子連勝文。 [[北市經發會副總召 連勝文]] “我想我們順其自然,因為這種東西不是我們每天,作白日夢去想就會發生的事情,真正比較重要是要腳踏實地,把事情做好” 兩人對會不會選都賣關子,但志在台北市長寶座的藍綠陣營,其實大有人在。 [[立委(民) 許添財]] “我們盡量尊重黨的決定,如果說給我們機會,我個人是不會拒絕” [[立委(國) 丁守中]] “我從政的目標,就是改變台北都市風貌” 藍營還有立委蔡正元,也想更上層樓,綠營被點名的,也有鄭麗君、姚文智、段宜康。 Speculation underway for 2014 Taipei mayoral election (2013/06/05) Taipei residents won’t pick their next mayor for another year and a half, but speculation is already underway. Most attention is focused on a pair of very different candidates, one an accomplished surgeon with little political experience, the other a son of a former vice president who has never run for public office. Ko Wen-je NTU Hospital Intensive Care Chief I never said if I would run or not. If I run, it would be unheard of. Someone with no party and who is not part of a financial group running for mayor. If I won, it would change Taiwan’s historical viewpoint. These comments from Ko Wen-je sparked early speculation about next year’s race for mayor of Taipei. Another potential candidate receiving attention is Sean Lien, best known for being the son of KMT honorary chairman Lien Chan. Sean Lien Taipei Economic Development Commission I think we will just let matters play out as they may. These aren’t the types of things that we can daydream about then turn into reality. It’s most important that we have our feet firmly planted and do our jobs well. Neither will commit to running. But if they do, they will face fierce competition. Hsu Tain-tsair DPP Legislator We show complete respect for what the party decides. If given the chance, personally I would have to accept it. Ting Shou-chung KMT Legislator My main political goal is to change the urban image of Taipei. Other possible contenders include the KMT’s Alex Tsai as well as the DPP’s Cheng Li-chiun, Pasuya Yao and Duan Yi-kang.
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