93歲好年輕 多數人都很注重自己的外表,不過根據日本的研究,外表看起來越年輕的人,血管的年齡也越年輕。換句話說,你看起來越年輕,身體應該就越健康。這是為什麼呢?帶您來看以下這則報導。 日本愛媛大學醫學部的附屬醫院近來研究發現,外表的年紀,可以當做血管年齡的判斷依據。他們找來了一名年長女性做實驗,結果十分驚人。 [[愛媛大學醫學部醫師]] “您的外表看上去是67歲,沒錯吧,因為您看起來很年輕” 今年高齡93歲的她,血管年齡只有71歲。也就是說,外表越年輕,血管也就越年輕。 [[愛媛大學醫學部醫師 伊賀瀨道也]] “歐美的研究也顯示,外表越老的人越短命” 外表和血管的年紀會有關係,在於這一種"糖化終產物AGE"老化物質,是體內多餘的糖份和蛋白質結合的物質,它會讓原本柔軟的蛋白質凝固,變成咖啡色的硬塊。臉部和血管的蛋白質如果凝固,肌膚和血管就跟著失去彈性,加速外表和身體的老化。 因此,降低血糖值是抗老的關鍵。多攝取膳食纖維、多鍛鍊大腿的肌肉、飯後做有氧運動,都可以幫助消耗糖分 Research suggests that appearance gives insight into health (2013/06/05) Japanese researchers say that outer appearance is a reflection of inner health. They cite a group of chemicals known as AGEs which are thought to have similar effects on the skin and circulatory systems. Researchers at Ehime School of Medicine tested their hypothesis on this woman. They predicted that by guessing the age of the woman based on her appearance, they could determine the condition of her blood vessels. Igase Michiya Ehime School of Medicine You look really young, like you’re 67. The woman is actually 93, but doctors say her blood vessels resemble those of someone who is more like 71. The researchers say this subject provides further evidence of their theory. Igase Michiya Ehime School of Medicine Western research also shows that people who look older than their real age tend to die younger. The researchers say that a group of chemicals known as AGEs could play a role. These chemicals are the end result of glycation and can cause protein fibers to stiffen, even turning them into brown globs. When proteins become deformed like this, they cause the skin and blood vessels to likewise become rigid. This causes the body to age, internally and externally. Glycation, and therefore the aging process, can be controlled by reducing sugar intake. Doctors also recommend a diet high in dietary fiber combined with exercise.
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