張忠謀時事 晶圓代工業龍頭台積電今天舉辦股東會,董事長張忠謀宣布去年營收和獲利雙雙創下歷史新高。不過對於台灣下半年經濟情勢,他保守認為最近還看不到轉機。此外,雖然他不願意談核電議題,但是張忠謀以前總統李登輝說過的話為例,敬佩他對保證用電穩定的魄力。 台電董事長張忠謀在股東會上,除了談到對台積電的展望外,也提到有關台灣目前的現況。讓他憂心的是台灣經濟還看不到轉機,除非有日本首相安倍一樣的魄力。 [[台積電董事長 張忠謀]] “台灣的潛力, 應該是一年(經成長)5%,最近的未來,我還看不到什麼轉機,日本的安倍很大膽的宣布他三個箭,除非有這種轉機,否則台灣的發展還是在這個潛力之下” 談到核四,張忠謀不評論政治性問題,但講到用電,他很佩服前總統李登輝。 [[台積電董事長 張忠謀]] “那時候跟李總統講這個(跳電問題) ,李總統拍了一下桌子,政府假如是還不能夠供應給你可靠的電源,那我們這個政府要來幹什麼,非常敬佩他的態度” 至於證所稅修正案,把企業最低賦稅從10%調高到12。張忠謀表示,台積電試圖反映過有關「把與證券收入無關的稅率,夾帶在證所稅法案裡頭」一事給政府,但結果仍是沒有用處。 TSMC chairman urges the government to take action to boost the economy (2013/06/11) At an annual shareholders meeting on Tuesday TSMC Chairman Morris Chang predicted record high sales and net profits this year. Besides discussing his company’s prospects Chang diverged into national issues, urging more action from the government on the economy and offering an anecdote that seemed to endorse the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. Morris Chang has more on his mind than business at TSMC. On Tuesday the chip-making executive discussed Taiwan’s current state, expressing dismay over the nation’s economy. Chang feels that someone needs to come along to shake things up. Morris Chang TSMC Chairman Taiwan has the potential to grow 5 percent annually, but I don’t see the opportunity for a transformation in the near future. Japan’s Abe boldly stated his three arrows policy. If this kind of transformation doesn’t occur in Taiwan, its growth will never reach its potential. When commenting on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, Chang said he did not want to get into the politics behind the issue. But he did mention a memorable meeting with former President Lee Teng-hui. Morris Chang TSMC Chairman In the past I spoke with President Lee about the problem (of power shortages). Lee struck the table and asked if the government couldn’t provide a reliable source of electricity, then of what use was the government? I really respected his attitude. Chang also suggested that the government raise the minimum corporate tax from 10 to 12 percent as part of its capital gains tax reform. But he said he had not received a favorable response on the proposal of including non-securities related tax issues in capital gains tax legislation.
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