吃粽癌險增 端午節到了,大家難免吃粽子應景,但要提醒您,除了別吃過量容易胖,甚麼時間吃?也要特別注意!就有醫生警告,過午後最好別吃,尤其晚上人體內的蛋白質會把粽子的碳水化合物大量轉化成脂肪,加上高油、高鹹,對消化造成很大負擔,更很可能會增加腸胃道罹癌風險。 端午節要到了,市場粽子攤前,人手一大袋粽子,但小心,糯米和內餡的高熱量,會導致肥胖、消化不良,因此,醫生建議,早點吃。 [[台北慈濟醫院副院長 徐榮源]] “實際上我們身體上有一種蛋白,叫做BMAL1,讓我們平常吃這些碳水化合物,像這些糯米 或者不管是麵,碳水化合物它可以變成油脂,如果你晚上要吃,最好是五點半之前” 副院長徐榮源指出,如果長期在深夜期間,吃像粽子這種高油、高熱量的食物,大量的油脂累積在腸胃道,久而久之,容易形成息肉,大大的提高腸胃道致癌風險。 [[民眾]] “有這樣的情形 我都不知道呀,當然是很恐怖,那就白天吃” 醫師提醒,飲食習慣,多吃蔬果,配合規律運動,才不會因為美食,賠上健康。 Doctors warn of excessive consumption of zongzi (2013/06/11) Dragon Boat Festival, which takes place Wednesday, is a time to feast on a glutinous rice snack called zongzi. But doctors warn these treats are high in calories. They suggest eating them only during the daytime to give the body sufficient time to digest. The arrival of Dragon Boat Festival means many stalls in the market are selling zongzi. Some customers buy bags full, but they should be warned that the glutinous rice and fillings are high in calories, making it easy to gain weight and experience indigestion. Doctors recommend that people eat zongzi earlier in the day. Hsu Jung-yuen Tzu Chi Hospital Deputy Superintendent Our bodies have a protein called BMAL1 which allows us to eat carbohydrates like this glutinous rice or noodles. These carbohydrates can easily turn into fat if you eat at night. Preferably you should eat before 5:30. Dr. Hsu Jung-yuen says foods high in calories can cause fat to accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract. Over time, can cause polyps to form, greatly increasing the risk of gastrointestinal cancer. “I didn’t know about this. It’s frightening. I’ll eat them in the daytime.” Doctors remind everyone to pay greater attention to their diet and get regular exercise.
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