國共先兩會 海基海協兩會週五,將針對兩岸服務貿易協議進行預備性磋商。國民黨榮譽黨主席吳伯雄,今天啟程赴中,明天將與中共總書記習近平會面,進行國共會談。 吳伯雄說,會談內容將在兩人會面後公布,不過綠營質疑國共會談先於海基海協兩會會談,如此以黨領政,不符體制。 KMT-CPC Meeting (2013/06/12) The Taiwanese and Chinese semi-official agencies that handle cross-strait negotiations will meet on Friday for preparatory talks. They plan to discuss the possibility of signing a service trade agreement. Before then, KMT Honorary Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung heads to China for a high-level, party-to-party meeting. He arrived Wednesday and will represent the KMT in a Thursday meeting with Xi Jinping, the Communist Party chief and president of China. The opposition DPP is criticizing the arrangement because it feels the KMT is putting the party ahead of the national government.
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