哈登端午節 NBA休士頓火箭隊球星,也是林書豪的隊友哈登,今天抵達台灣進行兩天一夜的行程,球星不愧是球星,果然超人氣,來台首站來到高雄,傳授HBL球員他縱橫NBA球場上籃球技巧。 結束後,剛好碰上端午節,哈登來到高雄愛河,特地來看龍舟賽,入境隨俗,把粽子香包掛在身上,並且表演敲大鼓。 James Harden in Taiwan (2013/06/12) James Harden, a member of the Houston Rockets and a teammate of Jeremy Lin, is in Taiwan for a two-day visit. This star NBA player attracted a huge crowd in Kaohsiung, demonstrating his on the court moves against members of the local high school basketball league. At the end of the demonstration Harden visited Kaohsiung’s Love River where he watched some dragon boat races. As befitting local customs, he gratefully accepted some zongzi and a local trinket, as well as taking his turn performing on the drums.



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