馬七月改組 會計法修法烏龍,出現要求行政院長江宜樺下台的聲浪,也傳七月份將內閣改組。 駐美代表金溥聰將接任國安會秘書長,不過馬總統昨天接受電台訪問時,強調沒聽過這樣的消息,並且對行政院長江宜樺很肯定,還稱讚他有為有守。 No Cabinet Reshuffle (2013/06/11) Flaws when amending the Accounting Act have led to calls for Premier Jiang Yi-huah to step down. Rumors have also emerged that a Cabinet reshuffle will take place next month. One such report claims that Taiwan’s representative to the United States, King Pu-tsung, will become secretary-general of the National Security Council. But during a radio interview on Monday, President Ma Ying-jeou denied this change was in the works. Ma also voiced his support for Premier Jiang.
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