Municipalities hosting ancient castles around Japan are under siege as aging castle towers restored in the post-World War II economic boom are in desperate need of replacement or refurbishment.
While some localities are ready to renovate existing concrete castle towers, others are hoping to fund the much pricier recreation of the wooden structures that originally stood long ago.
During his campaign for Nagoya mayor in 2009, Mayor Takashi Kawamura vowed to replace the concrete main tower of the city’s landmark Nagoya Castle with a more authentic wooden structure.
"We should replace the tower with something we will be proud of," Kawamura said.
Nagoya Castle, originally built in the early Edo Period (1603-1867), was restored in 1959 after being destroyed by fire in an air raid by U.S. bombers in May 1945.
under siege:慣用語,圍城,敵軍攻到城下,形容大軍壓境,形勢危急。例句:The city was under siege in World War II.(這座城市在二次大戰時遭敵軍包圍。)
replace with:慣用語,取代。例句:The boss replaced two workers by a machine.(老闆以一台機器取代兩名員工。)
proud of:慣用語,值得驕傲,引以為傲。
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