











每次都有注意到外籍人士如何強調某一些重音嗎?千真萬確!如果你仔細一聽,你將會注意到一個句形。內容單詞 (名詞,大多數動詞和形容詞)通常會拿來強調,而功能單詞 (介系詞,代名詞等等)就不會拿來強調。抓一些用來強調的字,你將會理解對話或談話當中的主要想法了。












Feel left in the dark when people speak English around you? Don't worry! Listening may be one of the most difficult skills to master, but it is not impossible. Use these five practical tips to give your listening skills a tune-up!


Know your limits


Listen to as much English as possible, but only for short periods at a time. Your brain is not a machine! If you feel like you're getting frustrated and can't understand, take a break and try again later. Remember, developing good listening skills takes a lot of time, practice, and patience.


Be selective


Translating every new word you hear will cause your brain to tune out the rest of the conversation, leaving you behind. Be selective. The next time you're listening to an English speaker, pick out key words or phrases. Write them down and translate them later. You will find that your listening skills will sharpen and your vocabulary will increase.


Pick up sound patterns


Ever notice how native English speakers only stress certain words? It's true! If you listen carefully, you'll notice a pattern. Content words (nouns, most verbs, and adjectives) are usually stressed, while function words (prepositions, pronouns, etc.) are not. Pick out the stressed words, and you'll be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue or conversation.


Watch a DVD


Everyone loves watching movies. So, why not use them to practice your listening skills? It's easy! Watch a segment of your favorite English DVD. First, watch it with subtitles in your native language, so you can understand it. Then watch it again. This time, use English subtitles, and focus on how much you can understand in English. By this time, you should have a good understanding of the dialogue and storyline. Now, watch it once more without any subtitles, and focus on just listening.


Help is a click away!


The Internet is full of resources for practicing your listening skills. For example, Englishtown provides daily interactive lessons where you can listen to and read assorted dialogues. If you sign up, you can also join a live conversation class to practice with a teacher and communicate with students from around the world! So, what are you waiting for? Start boosting your listening skills today!


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