



當你說某個人oldshortfat,或是blind - 很容易說出口,但是真的讓人感覺很沒技巧!

某些人比較矮那已經變得是vertically challenged。有些人ㄧ旦立刻obese>或horizontally gifted。另外,visually impaired現在是最受尊重的術語說一某人是盲目的。 請記得取名字,不論是任何形式,總是會讓人感覺沒有禮貌且侮辱的。




北美人ㄧ旦在家blackswhitesIndiansOrientals。他們全部都應該消失嗎? 當然不是﹗這些日子以來,這裡政治意味濃厚說明一個人的的種族劃分。黑人現在被稱為African-Americans/Canadians,白人被稱為Caucasians,印地安人被稱為Native Americans,並且東方人已經被Asians取代了。





其他工作有一個新稱呼﹗所有的air hostessesstewardesses都到哪裡去了?他們已經被flight attendants取代了。 並且waitretseswaiters現在也被稱為servers或是waitrons

聽起來那些工作非常沒有前途嗎?不要擔心﹗如果你是一位janitor,你自己會說你自己是一位sanitation engineerHousewives在現在是一位domestic engineers。 如果你沒有ㄧ份工作,你將再也不是unemployed,你實際上只是一個involuntarily leisured

By Rachelle Pia 




As we progress in the 21st century, more and more everyday English terms are considered offensive. Are you worried that you might unwittingly offend your friends or colleagues by saying the wrong thing? Here's some advice to help you choose your words wisely and survive in a sensitive and politically correct world.


What's he/she like?


There was a time when you could say a person was oldshortfat, or blind - easy to say, but truly insensitive!

The next time you want to describe someone, think carefully and be creative! People aren't old anymore - they're elderly. Someone short has become vertically challenged. A person once fat is now obese or horizontally gifted. Additionally, visually impaired is now the most respected term for saying someone is blind. Just remember that name-calling, in whatever form, is always insensitive and insulting.


What's his/her race?


North America once was home to blackswhitesIndians and Orientals. Have they all disappeared? Of course not! These days, however, there are more politically correct ways to refer to a person's ethnicity. Blacks are now called African-Americans/Canadians, whites are Caucasians, Indians are referred to as a Native Americans, and Orientals have been replaced with Asians.


What does he/she do?


Men and women once had different titles for the same job. Not anymore! Referring to a certain gender is now considered sexist, so instead of man or woman, the word person is used in job titles. For example, we use chairperson as opposed to chairmanbusinessperson instead of businessman, and salesperson in place of salesman.

Other jobs have a whole new name! Where have all the air hostesses and stewardesses gone? They have been replaced with flight attendants. And waitresses and waiters are now called either servers or waitrons.

What about those jobs that don't sound very prestigious? Don't worry! If you are a janitor, you can call yourself a sanitation engineerHousewives are now domestic engineers. And if you don't have a job, you're not unemployed anymore, you're actually just involuntarily leisured!

By Rachelle Pia


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