

Hang out at the mall
當朋友hang out,那是表示他們非常放鬆而且在一起玩得很愉快。mall(購物中心)是最好的地方和朋友聚在一起及和你的朋友聊天。


Catch some rays
喜歡戶外嗎?去戶外及catch a few rays(享受陽光)在沙灘上。沙灘或公園是和你所認識的朋友享受陽光的理想地方。

Enjoy a cup of joe
咖啡廳是很好的一個地方能和你的朋友享受一杯咖啡。不-你不需要一個名叫Joe的朋友!cup of joe是指一杯咖啡而已。

Go window-shopping
這不是指你為了想買窗子而逛街!Window-shopping 意思是看-也許經過一家商店櫥窗-不買任何東西。

Shoot some hoops
下一次有人邀請你去公園及shoot some hoops,不用擔心,他們只是想和你打一場籃球!

Chow down at a fast-food joint
Chow down 簡單的意思是吃。fast-food joint 是最好的地方可以吃披薩或是漢堡,和chill out (放輕鬆)和你的 crew (一群朋友)。

Paint the town red!
是週末。開派對時間到了!和你的朋友一起出去和把城鎮染紅!紅色象徵開心和興奮。Painting the 
town red

Caught a flick lately?
如果你的朋友邀請你去電影院catch a flick,他們只是想邀請你和他們去看一場電影。你不用真的去握住任何東西!

Keep it low-key
計畫放鬆心情,安靜的夜晚和你的一團朋友待在家裡?告訴他們你正low-key夜晚。這和出去及painting the town red是相反意思。

Grab some munchies and hit the road
和你的朋友一起汽車旅行。不要忘記抓一些爆米花,糖果或是其他的 munchies (食物,尤其是小點心)!




Feel like you need some time to relax? There is no better way to get rid of stress than by spending time with your friends. Here are some ways to get out and have fun with your buddies.


Hang out at the mall
When friends hang out, it means they are relaxing and having fun together. The mall (shopping center) is the perfect place to hang out and chat with your friends.


Catch some rays
Prefer the outdoors? Get outside and catch a few rays (enjoy the sunshine) at the beach. The beach or the park is the ideal place to enjoy the sun with people you know.

Enjoy a cup of joe
Cafes are the perfect place to talk with your mates over a cup of joe. No - you don't need a friend called Joe! A cup of joe is just a cup of coffee.

Go window-shopping
This doesn't mean that you are are shopping for windows! Window-shopping means looking ?perhaps through the shop windows - without buying anything.

Shoot some hoops
The next time somebody asks you to go to the park and shoot some hoops, don't worry, they just want to have a game of basketball with you!

Chow down at a fast-food joint
Chow down simply means to eat. A fast-food joint is a great place to grab a pizza or a burger, and chill out (relax) with your crew (group of friends).

Paint the town red!
It's the weekend. Time to party! Go out with your friends and paint the town red! Red symbolizes fun and excitement. Painting the town red means to have a fun-filled night out.

Caught a flick lately?
If your friends ask you to the cinema to catch a flick, they are just asking you to see a movie with them. You won't really have to catch anything!

Keep it low-key
Planning a relaxing, quiet night at home with a small group of friends? Tell them you are having a low-key night. This is the opposite of going out and painting the town red.

Grab some munchies and hit the road
Get away on a car-trip with your friends. Don't forget to grab some popcorn, candy, or other munchies (food, especially snacks)!


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