It seems incredible that General Franco is still oppressing artists in Spain from beyond the grave. The dictator who rose to power by defeating Spain’s Republic in the 1930s civil war and ruled until his death in 1975 might seem to be a forgotten nightmare in today’s democratic Spain. But an artist has succeeded in provoking a foundation that preserves his memory into taking some distinctly intolerant legal steps.
Eugenio Merino is being taken to court – for the second time – for works he has made using the image of the late authoritarian ruler. His work Punching Franco is a lifelike head of Franco designed to be used as a punchbag; the Franco Foundation says it is "demeaning".
He has also been sued for his work Always Franco, a lifelike figure of Franco inside a fridge. He has now extended this out to create a whole series of dictators in fridges.
The amazing thing about Merino’s dictator art is not that he does it but that people will come out of the woodwork to take offence at a satire on someone like Franco.
beyond the grave:片語,指死後,如Do you think there’s life beyond the grave?(你相信死後還有生命嗎?)
punchbag:名詞,指練習用的拳擊吊袋或沙包,亦指被人拿來發洩怒氣者、受氣包,如I’m tired of being your punchingbag.(我已經受夠了當你的出氣筒。)
come out of the woodwork:片語,帶有貶義,指令人討厭的人突然大量出現,如Racists and extreme nationalists are crawling out of the woodwork to protest at the sudden increase in the number of immigrants.(種族歧視者及極端民族主義者紛紛出籠,抗議移民人數突然增加。)
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