1. 忽視專家說的話。大部分語言專家指出年輕的時候學習第二外國語言較容易多了。但是有一件事情你必須注意-當你是小孩的時候,每一件事看起來都很簡單!不論你的年紀的大小,都有可能將一個新語言學好。更重要的是,它是可以達承的。所以不要讓這些"專家"來打擊你。
2. 學習喜歡你的語調。當你從兒童期到青少年期和成年期,你會發出聲音的機會事實上就和外籍人士話變得越來越少一樣。你也許會希望你的英文能和澳洲人及美國人一樣,但是如果你沒有在10歲以前學習英文也許你的說話語調就會變得平穩。不要擔心。只要你的文法和發音正確,語調只會讓你更有趣!最後,最佳的最初會話學習者第一句話:"So where are you from?"
3. 想像自己就是個小孩。這個也許難了點兒。小孩子會比成年人學習一個新的語言還要來的快因為他們對於他們自己的認知比較少。他們不會害怕犯錯,這就是學習的關鍵所在。沒有人會想你的不好。到不如說,他們將會對你印象深刻。
4. 不斷的學習。只有一種方式可以改變你的說話能力。那就是說話。常常說話!當你想了為什麼你的小孩可以改進的多一點,那大概就是她練習的很多。是不是就是因為他大部分的時間就是在教室?絕對不是!小孩子不會因為外表或是聲音而覺得害羞,因此他們會在和其他人相處時就在練習了。
5. 你小孩做什麼你就做什麼。有的時候上上網!網路上有很多學習英文的資源。例如,線上英文會話課程就是一個很好的方式專為忙碌的成人設計的有規律說英文練習。當你進入Englishtown.com並加入線上會話課程和外籍老師說英文是很容易的事。會話課程為小班制,每一天每一小時-全天候24小時。你只需要一台電腦和網路連線。你可以先試試看我們的7天免費試閱,保證7天免費試閱期間免費。你並不需要嚐試像個小孩一樣利用這麼好的機會!
Your child is learning English in school. He comes home every day with lots of new words and he's starting to speak comfortably. Even his pronunciation is good! You work hard at improving your English skills, but despite all your efforts, your child is already speaking better than you. What can you do?
1. Ignore the experts. Most language experts say it's easier to learn a second language when you're young. But that's the thing ?everything seems easier when you're a kid! No matter what your age, learning a new language is possible. More importantly, it's achievable. So don't let those "experts" discourage you.
2. Learn to love your accent. As you grow from childhood to adolescence and adulthood, your chances of sounding exactly like a native speaker become less and less. You may wish your English was indistinguishable from a native-born Australian or American, but if you didn't start learning English before age 10 you'll probably always speak with a slight accent. Don't worry about it. As long as your grammar and pronunciation are correct, the accent just makes you more interesting! Plus, it's a great conversation starter: "So where are you from?"
3. Think like a kid. This task is a little tougher. Kids have an edge on adults when it comes to learning a new language because they're less aware of themselves. They don't worry about making mistakes, which is a key to learning. No one will think less of you. Rather, they'll be impressed.
4. Practice, practice, practice. There's only one way to improve your speaking ability. And that's to speak. A lot! If you wonder why your child is improving so quickly, it's probably because she gets a lot of practice. Is it because she spends more time in a classroom? No! Kids don't think about looking or sounding silly, so they get practice by just being themselves.
5. Do what kids do. Use the Internet! The Internet has many English-learning resources. For example, online English conversation classes are a great way for busy adults to get regular speaking practice. If you use Englishtown.com, log onto the Internet and join a live conversation class with a professional native English-speaking teacher at your convenience. The classes are small and offered every hour and every day ?24 hours a day. All you need is a computer and Internet connection. You can try the school for a week, absolutely free. And you don't have to be a kid to take advantage of such a great opportunity!
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