Get your tickets ready for the ride of your life. Academy Award-winning director Martin Scorsese invites you on a journey to a magical world with his first-ever 3D film, Hugo. The story follows a clever young boy named Hugo Cabret. What makes Hugo different is that he lives in the walls of the train station.
You might ask how Hugo finds himself in this situation. He is brought there by his uncle after his only parent dies in a fire. His uncle is a watchmaker and teaches him how to take care of the station's clocks before he disappears. While maintaining the clocks and stealing food to survive, Hugo continues working on repairing his father's broken automaton. However, he is missing one important piece ─ a heart-shaped key. Can Hugo complete his quest and unlock his father's secret?
請拿好您的電影票,準備來一場生平最刺激的旅程吧。奧斯卡金像獎最佳導演馬丁.史柯西斯將藉由他的3D電影處女作──《雨果的冒險》,邀您展開一場前往魔幻世界的旅程(編按:奧斯卡金像獎是由美國電影藝術與科學學院所頒發,因此美國人多將它稱為Academy Award)。故事在描寫雨果.坎伯芮這個天資聰穎的小男孩。雨果之所以與眾不同,是因為他住在火車站的高牆內。
the...of + 所有格 + life (某人)生平最棒的……
Ben had the time of his life bungee jumping in New Zealand.
journey (n.)(長途的)旅程,旅行
Jessie saw many beautiful wonders on her journey around the island.
situation (n.) 情況,狀況
The police officer got the situation between the two arguing men under control.