Bill was walking down the street when he came across an old man with a very bad cough. Not wanting to catch whatever it was the old man had, Bill gave him a wide berth and didn’t breathe until the sound of coughing died away.
When he got home, the house was quiet. This seemed out of place because his sister usually watched cartoons in the living room after school. He went looking for her, and after a quick search, Bill found her sick in bed. She looked like she had a fever and was coughing like crazy. Bill feared that she had the flu, so he ran out of the room as fast as he could. However, it was too late because that night his head and throat started hurting and he was achy all over.
●give sb/sth a wide berth對……避而遠之;對……退避三舍
I gave the big dog a wide berth.
●out of place 不尋常;不自在
Michael felt out of place among all the girls in the dance class.
●like crazy 拼命地;瘋狂地
Mandy and I shopped like crazy and bought all our Christmas gifts in one afternoon.
●all over 全身