

I am not used to taking a nap after lunch. I think it is a total waste of time because I can make better use of my time by doing other things. Instead of sleeping, I would much rather be reading or reviewing my lessons.
Recently, I started having difficulty concentrating in my afternoon classes. One day, I dozed off during my math class, so the teacher got mad at me. As punishment, she made me run around the classroom three times while everyone watched. I felt ashamed because some of my classmates laughed their heads off. Since then, I have been good about taking a nap during my lunch break lest I fall asleep in class again. I now feel refreshed during my afternoon classes.






take a nap  小睡,打盹 
be a waste of...  浪費…… 
The film was boring and a total waste of my time. 
make use of...  利用…… 
Carrie made use of some empty plastic bottles and turned them into musical instruments. 
doze off  打瞌睡 
ashamed [ J`Semd ] a. 難為情的 






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