Taboos exist in practically every culture in the world. While certain subjects, behaviors, and lifestyles are considered completely acceptable in one culture, they can be forbidden, offensive, and even illegal in others. For example, Taiwanese people never write people’s names in red ink because names of the deceased appear on gravestones in red. Likewise, when eating, chopsticks are never stuck into bowls of rice because they resemble incense sticks placed in offerings for spirits. Taboos aren’t always so easily seen since they often happen behind closed doors. Even so, more and more people are now openly showing how they are willing to push the boundaries of taste and social acceptance.
禁忌幾乎存在於世上每種文化。在一種文化中全然被接受的某些事物、行為和生活方式,在其他文化中卻可能被視為嚴禁的、冒犯的,甚至是違法的。舉例來說,台 灣人從不用紅墨水寫人名,因為紅墨水用在寫墓碑上往生者的名字。同樣地,吃飯時筷子不能插入碗飯中,因為筷子像放在祭拜神靈供品中的香柱。禁忌並不總是顯 而易見,因為它們常在暗地裡發生。即使如此,現在越來越多人公然展現他們願意突破慣有的觀感及社會接受度的限制。
forbidden a. 被禁止的;禁止(做/說)的
deceased n. 亡者 & a. 已故的
behind closed doors 暗地裡;秘密地
push the boundaries of sth
Angela pushes the boundaries of her own creativity with each design.