1. split hairs 鑽牛角尖
Ex: Don’t split hairs! I don’t think there is a difference between “Inappropriate” and “Improper”. 別鑽牛角尖了!我不認為「不妥」與「不當」有什麼不同。
2. High-handed 鴨霸
Ex: A lot of people think Lee is a high-handed supervisor. 很多人認為李是一位鴨霸的主管。
High hand指的是「高壓手段」,拿來形容一個人很霸道相當合適。
3. Live on bread and water 吃白飯配醬油
Ex: 22K is my monthly salary. I can only live on bread and water. 我領的是22K的月薪,只能吃白飯配醬油。
4. Make it hot for somebody 吃不完兜著走
Ex: If you do this again, I will make it hot for you. 如果你再這樣做,我會讓你吃不完兜著走。
Make it hot for somebody是指「刁難某人」、「讓人日子不好過」的意思。
5. A sour face 晚娘面孔
Ex: I don’t want to see her again. I was fed up with her sour face. 我不想再見到她,我受夠了她那晚娘面孔。
Sour除了解釋為「酸」,還有「刻薄」之意,例如:The boss is sour toward his employees.
http://taipeitranslation.com/zh-tw (無敵翻譯官網)