

Police officers must fill in a seven page form if they want to use a pair of binoculars to watch a crime suspect.




The requirement has been attacked by critics as the latest example of excessive red tape, which they say is "emasculating" the police service.



 Simon Reed, vice-chairman of the Police Federation, said: "There are all kinds of forms that must be filled in to do even a simple policing task. To mount a surveillance operation you have to fill in a seven page form, even if you just want to use a pair of binoculars. All this paperwork is emasculating the police service. Even if you just used your own eyesight, you would need it because that is classed as ’directed surveillance’."




 The seven-page document is designed to ensure officers comply with the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA), the same controversial legislation which allows local councils to use surveillance powers for minor misdemeanours such as dog-fouling. In addition to the RIPA form, officers must fill out even more paperwork before they can carry out surveillance.






red tape:慣用語,指「官僚作風」或「繁文縟節」。red tape字面意義為「紅帶子」,以前英國官方文件習慣用紅色帶子綑紮,red tape的比喻由此而來。

 emasculate:動詞,閹割、去勢,引喻為使之無力。例句:The application of martial law emasculated the social movements.(戒嚴令的實施令社運無力開展。)

comply with:片語,遵守、服從。例句:We couldn’t comply with your request.(你的要求我們無法照辦。)


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