A hen-pecked husband has been granted a divorce in Italy because his mother-in-law keeps nagging him.
Shopkeeper Luca Rossi, 36, told the court in Salerno that his wife’s mother didn’t leave him alone throughout four months of marriage.
"I’d never believed stories and jokes about mothers-in-law but my marriage was hell and it was all her fault," he said after the hearing.
"It was hell right from the moment we said ’I do’ at our wedding until the moment we split, just because my mother-in-law interfered in every single thing in our lives.
"It led to one argument after another and there was no way a marriage could survive after that," he said.
Rossi said he would consider marriage again - but only if he did not have to deal with a mother-in-law.
"Next time I’m hoping to find a girl who’s an orphan," he added.
nag:動詞、名詞,嘮叨、碎碎念,愛嘮叨的人。例句:Please just stop nagging!(拜託別再碎碎念了!)
henpecked husband:名詞,怕老婆、被老婆牽著鼻子走的丈夫。henpeck是動詞,指對(丈夫)作威作福。 例句:Don’t be so bossy to your husband, he is henpacked enough.(別那麼愛命令你老公,他已經夠怕老婆了。)
leave alone:動詞片語,不要更動、理睬、打擾、干涉人或事。例句:Leave her alone and she’ll have her job done. (不要打擾她,她會把工作做完。)