


A serial drink driver has become the victim of an elaborate prank played on him by friends.


The man - who has been arrested for drink driving five times - was tricked into believing he had been in a coma for 10 years after he passed out drunk in his vehicle.


Comedian Tom Mabe set up a fake hospital room and had a fake nurse and doctor talk his friend through the "accident". He even went to the trouble of producing a fake TV news bulletin which says "president Hillary Clinton" is threatening war with Canada.


The friend woke up in hospital after a heavy night. The doctor tells him: "You had an accident. This accident took place in 2013. It is now 2023. You have been in a coma for the past ten years."


His sense of confusion at skipping a decade of his life was only heightened when news flashed up of ‘President Hillary Clinton’ threatening an invasion of Canada.


It was only when the doctors began slapping him on the face to ‘test his reactions’ that he finally worked out the truth – it was all just an elaborate prank.


Mr Mabe wanted to teach a lesson to his booze-loving friend and to discourage others from drink driving.



fall for:動詞片語,上當、中計;愛上。例句:Josh and Sophie fell for each other the first time they met.(喬許和蘇菲第一次見面就愛上彼此。)

talk someone through something, talk something through with someone:動詞片語,向某人詳細說明、解釋某事,與某人詳細討論某事。例句:Talk me through the project before I make my investment decisions.(在我做出投資決策前,先跟我詳細解釋這項計畫。)

booze:動詞,豪飲(酒);名詞,酒,烈酒。例句:This guy has been boozing all night.(這傢伙一整晚都在猛灌酒。)




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