


正與你協商的或許就是你的競爭對手。為了與競爭對手能有一個有效的協商,關鍵就是早些用正面的方式做建設,這樣一來你們可以一起克服你們之間的不同。例如: "The United States and Russia, England 
and France, and Germany and France are all former competitors who became allies. If they could do it, so can we."



很有可能你會遇到一些反對你的人,他們就像是書本上寫的會使一些骯髒的伎倆。要對付像這些不道德的行為不能使用一些強烈的侵略性舉動,而且還要有紳士風度。例如:如果你感覺到別人在說謊或是欺騙你了,你可以這樣說:「I've come to trust you completely, but on this issue I sense some holding back.」


問一些有幫助的問題是成功協商議題的基石。這是給了雙方面一個機會來表明雙方在關鍵議題上的態度例如設定目標及期望一類。公開的問問題將可以儘早給予彼此機會來蒐集資料。例如:你可以這樣問:「What are you hoping to achieve today?」


在某一個協商階段過程中必有反對聲明,因此我們必須了解如何反駁一些事件。一種可行方法就是獲得反駁的論點並將此化為光明面。例如:「If I seemed sharp a few moments ago, be assured that it was only due to my determination to make this work.」


協商包函兩種溝通方式,很好的想法就是避免陷於一連串的「I'm right, you're wrong,」情況下。展現人性及尊重那些協商對象,千萬不要裝做已有所有的答案,並且允許一些議題的控制權讓給他人。例如:「That's more your area of expertise than mine, so I'd like to hear more.」 


當協商者因憤怒、怨恨或不願意聆聽而使得雙方關係變決裂的時候,要特別注意拉回具有建設性的對談。承認錯誤並且顯現你仍願意將過程轉變為更重視協商者的氣氛。例如:你可以這樣說: "What happened last week was unacceptable as it was unintentional. Shall we move on?"



In business, skilled negotiation can be the difference between making a million dollar contract and being fired. Here are some effective pointers to help you come out on top in the negotiation process.


Starting on a positive

The people who you are negotiating with may be business competitors. To have productive negotiations with competitors it's important to set a positive tone early on, establishing that you can both overcome your differences. For example, "The United States and Russia, England and France, and Germany and France are all former competitors who became allies. If they could do it, so can we."


Dealing with unethical negotiators

It's possible that you'll come up against people who will try every nasty negotiation trick in the book. Deal with such unethical behavior not by aggressive confrontation, but in a dignified manner. For example, if you feel that you are being lied to or deceived, you could say, "I've come to trust you completely, but on this issue I sense some holding back."

Using effective questioning

Effective questioning forms the backbone of successful negotiations. They give both sides an opportunity to gauge each other's attitudes on key issues as well as set goals and expectations. Asking open-ended questions early on will give both sides an opportunity to gather this information. For example, you could ask, "What are you hoping to achieve today?"

Recovering from offending someone

Causing offense will happen at certain stages of the negotiation process, so it's important to know how to recover from such incidents. One way to do so is to take the offensive comment and put it in a positive light. For example, "If I seemed sharp a few moments ago, be assured that it was only due to my determination to make this work."

Showing humility

Negotiations are a two-way communication, so it's a good idea to avoid getting stuck in a series of, "I'm right, you're wrong," situations. Show humility and respect to the people you are negotiating with, do not pretend to have all the answers, and openly allow them to take control of some issues. For example, "That's more your area of expertise than mine, so I'd like to hear more."

Recovering from negotiation breakdown

When negotiations break down due to anger, resentment or simple unwillingness to listen, pay careful attention when getting back to productive dialogue. Admitting mistakes and showing that you are still willing to proceed will help the negotiations regain a more civil atmosphere. For example, you could say, "What happened last week was unacceptable as it was unintentional. Shall we move on?"


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