無敵 翻譯 引用自 http://englishhome.org/awake-awaken-wake-waken.html
Awake, awaken, wake, waken (vv.)
這四個動詞大致上可視為同義詞,它們皆可當及物和不及物動詞用,也都有字面和比喻的意思,前者意為「喚醒;弄醒;(使) 醒來」,後者意為「喚起;激起;使認識到;使意識到」。
Awake 的過去式可以是 awaked 或 awoke,而過去分詞可以是 awaked 或 awoken,但通常使用 awoke 和 awoken:The thunder awoke me. (雷聲把我驚醒了);He awoke to the sound of birds chirping. (他被啁啾的鳥叫聲叫醒了);I awoke to find myself alone. (我一覺醒來發現只有自己一個人);His father tried to awake him to a sense of duty. (他父親試圖使他認識到自己的責任);We must awake to our responsibilities. (我們一定要認識到自己的職責)。awaken 是個規則動詞 (awaken, awakened, awakened):I was awakened by their shouts. (我被他們的喊叫聲吵醒);He awakened her at six. (他在六點時叫醒她);He has awakened to new challenges. (他已意識到新的挑戰);She awakened at six. (她六點鐘醒來)。
Wake 的過去式可以是 waked 或 woke,而過去分詞可以是 waked 或 woken,但通常使用 woke 和 woken:She usually wakes (up) early. (她通常早起);John woke to a quiet knocking on his door. (約翰被一陣輕輕的敲門聲給叫醒了);The bad news finally woke the country to the danger of war. (壞消息傳來,終於使國人意識到即將發生戰爭的危險)。wake 後面經常接介系詞 up,是一個相當常用的片語動詞:I woke up at six this morning. (今天早晨我六點鐘醒來);Please wake me up at 7:00. (請在七點鐘叫醒我)。waken是個規則動詞 (waken, wakened, wakened):He wakened early that morning. (那天早晨他很早就醒了);I was wakened by their shouts. (我被他們的喊叫聲吵醒);All this wakened the local government to the need for safety precautions. (所有這些使當地政府認識到必須採取安全預防措施)。
一般而言,awake 和 awaken 用在比喻意思的情況比較多,而 wake 和 waken 用在字面意思的情況比較多。就使用頻率而言,awaken 比 awake 常用,而 wake 比 waken 常用。
除做動詞外,這四個字當中的 awake 還可當形容詞用,而 wake 還可當名詞用。awake 用做形容詞時意為「醒著的;認識到的,意識到的」,但不可用在名詞之前:I managed to stay awake long enough to watch the video. (我強忍著不睡看完了錄影帶);I was already wide awake before the alarm went off. (鬧鐘還沒停,我就已完全醒了);We are fully awake to the dangers of the situation. (我們充分意識到局勢的危險)。在上面的例句中,stay awake 意為「保持醒著的」,而 wide awake 意為「完全醒著的;頭腦清醒的」,它們都是頗為常見的片語。wake 用做名詞時意為「守夜;守靈;(船航行時留下的) 航跡,尾波,尾流」,通常用在 in the wake of 或 in sb’s/sth’s wake 中 — 這兩個片語意為「尾隨,緊跟在…後面;隨著…而來,作為…的結果」:The car left clouds of dust in its wake. (車子後面揚起一片塵土);An inquiry has been set up in the wake of the crash. (墜機發生後,調查隨之展開)。
無敵 翻譯 引用自 http://englishhome.org/awake-awaken-wake-waken.html