《中英對照讀新聞》California farmers hire dowsers to find water 加州農夫雇用水源占卜師找水
With California in the grip of drought, farmers throughout the state are using a mysterious and some say foolhardy tool for locating underground water: dowsers, or water witches.
Practitioners of dowsing use rudimentary tools — usually copper sticks or wooden “divining rods” that resemble large wishbones — and what they describe as a natural energy to find water or minerals underground.
While both state and federal water scientists disapprove of dowsing, California “witchers” are busy as farmers seek to drill more groundwater wells because of the state’s record drought that persists despite recent rain.
The nation’s fourth-largest winemaker, Bronco Wine, says it uses dowsers on its 40,000 acres of California vineyards, and dozens of smaller farmers and homeowners looking for wells on their property also pay for dowsers.
in the grip of:片語,受限於…、受…所支配。例句:Britain is in the grip of an obesity epidemic, with just 35% people taking regular exercise.(英國只有35%人口有運動習慣,肥胖問題嚴重。)
foolhardy:形容詞,有勇無謀的、蠻幹的。例句:They were very foolhardy to jump off the bus while it was still moving.(公車還沒停他們就跳下車,實在莽撞。)
divine:動詞,占卜、預言。例句:The fortuneteller divined what would happen next year.(算命師預測來年發生的事情。)