無敵翻譯 引用自 http://elitecnn829.pixnet.net/blog/post/2856442
今日單字: emergency kit = 災難包、救命包、逃生包
以下資訊主要來自於 www.workitmom.com
食物 & 水 / Food & Water
- One gallon of water per person per day = 一人一天一加侖的水
- Water purification tablets = 淨水丸
- Protein bars = 高蛋白營養棒
- Canned meats and fish = 罐裝肉及魚
- Dried fruit = 乾果
- Nuts = 堅果
- Instant Soup packets or boullion cubes = 速食湯包 或 繷縮湯塊
- Dry cereal = 穀類食品、麥片
- Crackers = 餅乾
- Peanut butter = 花生醬
- Canned juice or juice boxes = 罐裝 或 盒裝果汁
- Non-electric can opener / bottle opener = 開罐器 / 開瓶器
寢具 & 服裝 / Bedding and Clothing
- Complete change of seasonally appropriate clothing = 全套符合季節的服裝
- Thermal underwear = 保暖內衣褲
- Sunglasses = 太陽眼鏡
- Prescription glasses = 度數眼鏡、處方眼鏡
- Waterproof poncho = 防水斗篷、斗篷雨衣.
- Tarp = 防水布
- Blanket / Sleeping bag = 被子 / 睡袋
- Inflatable pillow = 充氣式枕頭
- Towels = 毛巾
- Work gloves = 工作手套
衛生 & 醫療 / Sanitation and Medication
- First Aid Kit = 醫療箱、急救箱
- Antibiotic ointment = 抗生素藥膏
- Saline solution = 生理食鹽水
- Toilet Paper = 衛生紙
- Wet wipes = 濕紙巾
- Hand Sanitizer = 乾洗手凝露
- Prescription medication and copies of prescriptions = 處方藥 及 藥單
- Anti-diarrheal pills = 止瀉藥
- Antacid tablets = 制酸藥片、胃錠
- Sanitary pads = 衛生棉
- Activated charcoal = 活性炭
證件 & 金錢 / Documentation and money
- Cash = 現金
- Change for telephone = 打電話用的零錢
- Emergency credit card = 緊急用信用卡
- Map = 地圖
- Birth certificate = 出生證明
- Photocopy of passport = 護照印本
- List of important phone numbers and emergency contacts = 重要電話表
- Copy of insurance policies = 保險資料
其他必備品 / Equipment
- Flashlights = 手電筒
- Extra batteries = 備用電池
- Glow sticks = 螢光棒
- Candles = 蠟燭
- Waterproof matches = 防水火柴
- Hand/body warmers or "heat patches" = 暖暖包
- Hand crank radio = 手動發電收音機
- Pens and Paper = 紙筆
- Pocket knife = 小刀
- Pliers = 鉗子
- Rope = 繩子
- Plastic garbage bags = 垃圾袋
- Duct tape = 萬用膠帶
- Aluminum foil = 鋁箔紙
- Compass = 指北針、指南針
- Whistle = 哨子
無敵翻譯 引用自 http://elitecnn829.pixnet.net/blog/post/2856442