《中英對照讀新聞》’World’s Ugliest Woman’ Pursues Anti-Bullying Film 「世界最醜女人」要拍反霸凌電影
In December 2013, she inspired millions with her speech. Now Lizzie Velasquez, once called "the world’s ugliest woman," hopes to reach an even-wider audience through an anti-bullying documentary about her story.
"I know what it is to be bullied and what is to be bullied online, and I want to be the protector of those who think it won’t get better," said Velasquez, 25, who has a rare disease that makes it impossible for her to gain weight. She has never weighed more than 64 pounds and is blind in one eye.
She’s raising money for the film, tentatively titled "The Lizzie Project," through a Kickstarter campaign that has already collected more than $123,000 in donations.
She became a celebrity on Dec. 5, 2013, when her short speech in Austin became a hit.
In her speech, Velasquez explained that her life changed at age 17, when she saw herself on a YouTube video titled, "The world’s ugliest woman."
bully:動詞,欺負、恐嚇。例句:She wanted to go, but he bullied her out of it.(她想去,但他威脅她不能去。)
tentatively:副詞,暫時地、試探性地。例句:The term of practice is tentatively fixed at half a year.(實習期限暫定為半年。)
become a hit:風靡一時、風行。例句:Her picture became a hit on the internet.(她的照片在網路上瘋傳。)
無敵 翻譯引用自:http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=784263&day=2014-06-03