《中英對照讀新聞》Did a German shepherd get called to jury duty? 德國牧羊犬被召去當陪審團?
Could this prospective juror take a bite out of crime?
Cumberland County, N.J., has summoned IV Griner to jury duty. The only problem is that IV is a 5-year-old German shepherd.
Her owner tells KYW-TV in Philadelphia he sorted out the confusion soon after the summons arrived at his Bridgeton home.
The dog’s owner is Barrett Griner IV. He uses the Roman numeral for four in his name. He named his dog using the letters "I" and "V."
"It was just funny," he said. "I got mail for my dog."
The county’s judiciary coordinator says the computer likely mistook the Roman numeral for Griner’s first name and mailed the summons. (AP, Reuters)
prospective:形容詞,未來的,例如求職信中開頭的稱謂,可用Dear Prospective Employer(親愛的未來雇主)。
take a bite out of something:慣用語,原指將某物咬一口下來,本文為引申意義,意指讓某物減少(被咬了一口所以減少)。此外,由於文中主角是狗,所以也有一語雙關之意。例句:Taxes took a bigger bite out of people’s income last year.(稅金讓民眾去年的收入少了更大一塊。)
sort something out:慣用語,原指整理、分類,本文中為形容研究問題並予以解決。例句:He can’t sort the problem out without some more time.(他需要更多時間才能解決這個難題。)