《中英對照讀新聞》Burger King Baby finds birth mom, feels ’pure joy’ 漢堡王寶寶找到生母,覺得「非常喜樂」

A woman who, as a newborn, was abandoned in the bathroom of a Pennsylvania fast-food restaurant said she has found her birth mother just three weeks after launching a search that garnered worldwide attention, and as her mother prepared to look for her.


Katheryn Deprill, 27, began her quest on March 2 by posting on her Facebook page a photo in which she held up a sign that said, "Looking for my birth mother. ... She abandoned me in the Burger King bathroom only hours old, Allentown PA. Please help me find her by sharing my post."


The photo was shared more than 30,000 times by Facebook users around the world, and Deprill’s story landed in numerous media outlets. That caught the attention of the woman who abandoned her, and she came forward to attorney John Waldron, who arranged for them to meet.


"I got the hug that I had wanted for the last 27 years, and that broke the ice," Deprill said. "I asked if I could have it, and she said, ’absolutely,’ and just held her arms open, and the rest is history."AP



come forward:慣用語,主動提供(資訊或協助)。例句:The police hope that some witness to the car accident will come forward with information.(警方希望車禍目擊者能主動出面提供訊息。)

break the ice:慣用語,打破僵局,化解冷場,緩和沒見過面的人之間的緊張氣氛。例句:It’s not that easy to break the ice at formal events.(要在正式場合中化解冷場並非易事。)

the rest is history:慣用語,接下來的事你們都知道了,用於不把話或故事說完之際,因為「接下來的事你們都知道了」。

無敵 翻譯引用自:http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=777422&day=2014-05-09


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