《中英對照讀新聞》Russia cracks down on swearing in public performances 俄羅斯禁止公開表演使用髒話
The lower house of Russian parliament has passed a law banning foul language in public performances including film showings, plays and concerts. Audio, video and books containing swearwords are required to be sold in special packaging featuring an explicit language warning.
The new legislation on artistic works does not specify which words will be banned. Instead, it proposes that "words and phrases not meeting the norms of modern Russian literary language" be determined by an independent panel of experts. It is not clear whether music and films that bleep out swearwords would fall under the ban.
The legislation would pose problems for a wide number of authors, directors and performers. Leningrad, one of Russia’s most popular bands, is famous for its vulgar lyrics, and even has a profanity-laced song that declares "it’s impossible to live without swearing".
The legislation on artistic performances has already angered cultural figures. Writer Sergei Shargunov called the law sanctimonious and said that even classic Russian literature contains swearwords, including the works of great Russian poets. "So now let’s ban Pushkin, Yesenin, Mayakovsky?" he asked.
swearword:名詞,指粗魯、冒犯他人的話語、詛咒、髒話,如:All swearwords, even mild ones such as ’damn’, were deleted from the text.(所有不雅辭彙,即使是類似「該死」這種程度輕微的字眼,都被從文本中刪除。)
bleep something out:片語,指在廣播或電視轉播中用某種遮蓋訊號來取代某個字或片語(以避免禁忌字眼或其他資訊被播送出去),如:He tried to say the word on television, but they bleeped it out.(他試著在電視上說出那個字,但卻被消音。)
sanctimonious:形容詞,正式用語,帶負面意味,指假裝虔誠的、假裝高尚或正直的,如:The world is full of sanctimonious religious leaders preaching about morality.(這世上到處都是假裝清高的宗教領袖用道德來說教。)