無敵翻譯 引用自 英語之家 http://englishhome.org/be-all-mouth-and-trousers.html
英文:be all mouth and trousers; be all mouth and no trousers; be all mouth (v.)
說明:這三個成語當中,以 be all mouth 的語氣最弱;它們都在表達「只會坐而言,不會起而行」的意思。
- They talked all night about how to solve the problems, but wouldn’t do anything to help. Their trouble was that they were all mouth and trousers. (他們整晚都在談論該如何解決這些問題,但就是不肯動手幫忙。他們的毛病就是光說不練)
- We did not vote for him because he was known to be all mouth and no trousers. (我們沒有投票給他,因為大家都知道他只會坐而言,不會起而行)
無敵翻譯 引用自
英語之家 http://englishhome.org/be-all-mouth-and-trousers.html