《中英對照讀新聞》Why washing machines are no longer built to last 為什麼洗衣機不再製造得耐用
Remember that old washing machine you bought back in the 1980s? The one that seemed to go on for ever?
And then there was the one you bought only a couple of years back, which seemed to give up the ghost more quickly than an ultra-fast spin cycle.
They don’t build them like they used to. Even the industry admits that the lifespan of white goods has fallen. But then so too have prices.
So how long should a fridge or a freezer last, and is it worth spending a bit more on a better model?
Our relentless demand for cheap household appliances is taking its toll on the durability of the products we buy.
On its website, the Whitegoods Trade Association (WTA) openly acknowledges that the average lifespan has dropped in relation to prices.
Take the example of a washing machine. Its life expectancy has dropped by a full three years over the last decade or so, meaning many will conk out pretty quickly.
"Over 40% cost under £300. Obviously these cheaper products do not have the same build quality, performance or longevity and therefore the average lifespan has dropped from over 10 years to under seven years," the website confesses.
give up the ghost:動詞片語,(人)死亡、(機器)壞掉無法修復,放棄(努力做某事)。例句:That old television finally gave up the ghost.(那台老電視機終於壞了。)
take its/a toll on something/someone:動詞片語,造成負面影響、後果或損失,付出代價。例句:Pollution and global warming are taking a toll on our economic growth.(污染與全球暖化使我國的經濟成長付出代價。)
conk out:動詞片語,(汽車、機器)突然故障、失靈;(因太累)很快睡著且睡得很熟。例句:The wash machine has conked out and needs repair.(這台洗衣機壞了,需要修理。)