《中英對照讀新聞》Return to African (hair) roots in Ivory Coast 象牙海岸回歸非洲(髮型)根源
The afro — the natural hairstyle forever synonymous with the "black is beautiful" movement championed by African-Americans in the 1960s — is making a comeback in the Ivory Coast.
A group is trying to persuade black women to turn the page on their expensive hair-straighteners, extensions and wigs and go natural instead.
Founded more than two years ago, the support group Nappys de Babi now boasts some 2,400 members, meeting every two months in Ivory Coast’s economic capital Abidjan to share advice, tips, and practical help about keeping their hair natural. The group bucks a deeply ingrained belief all across Africa that straight hair conforms best to an ideal of beauty.
這個名為Nappys de Babi的支援組織是在兩年前成立,目前會員據稱已達2400人,他們每兩個月在象國經濟首府阿比尚集會一次,分享美髮建議、秘訣和實際幫助,讓會員們維持自然髮型。這個組織反對全非各地認為直髮才最符合美貌理想的根深蒂固觀念。
"Society frowns on ’afro’ hair overflowing all over the place," says Miriam Diaby, one of the group’s founders. She laments that women have to opt for "conventional" styles involving straightening or using false hair in the form of extensions or wigs.
Going against the grain is deemed provocative. "People are uncomfortable about it. When they see you wearing natural hair, they look at you like you are a pariah, like there is a problem, when actually, it should be normal," said Liliana Lambert, a 27-year-old half European.(AFP)
turn the page:片語,指開創新局,如:It’s time to put this tragedy to rest and turn the page to a new and happier chapter of our lives.(現在該是放下這齣悲劇、開創新局,展開我們生命快樂新篇章的時候了。)
buck:動詞,指反對或反抗某事或某人,如:He was always trying to buck the system. (他一直都在試圖與體制對抗。)
go against the grain:片語,指與習俗或常規背道而馳,如:It takes courage to go against the grain and stand up for what you believe in.(要與習俗背道而馳、挺身捍衛自己的理念是需要勇氣的。)
無敵 翻譯引用自:http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=779927&day=2014-05-18